The Year of YES!

The Year of YES!

  • Andrea Gordon
  • 04/27/21

After 10 years of putting “women's work” on stage (where it belongs), it's time to celebrate! As a legacy member and Director at San Francisco’s 3Girls Theatre, I’m delighted to tell you, we’ve survived a decade that could not have been more dramatic!

​​​​​​​We’re kicking off our second decade with countless creative ways to connect—and continuing to say “YES.” 

If you’ve watched every episode of everything on every streaming channel (what now, millions?) and you’re looking for ways to re-engage and kick-start your own creativity, 3GT invites you to participate online until we open our doors SOON! We offer a variety of ways to learn, collaborate, and celebrate the diversity of women in theater. 

Join 3GT for our ongoing Salon Reading Series, exploring the language of theater prior to prime time. For the nascent playwright, you’ll learn from the best in our LezWritesBTQ workshops. Or, if you’re simply looking for an interesting diversion, check out The Table Read blog for a minute outside your own head.

As we enter into the brave new world of vaccinations, 3GT is truly looking forward to putting our community back together—in person, in theater seats, and workshops—or wherever we can make the magic happen. Can you help support our good works

Join me for a 3GT Salon Series reading of playwright Lee Brady's play California Jones (Born on the Border), June 14, 2021, 6pm PST. Details to follow.


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